Hare, William Hobart, 1838-1909

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Bishop William Hobart Hare (1839-1909), known as the "Apostle to the Sioux," was appointed in 1872 Bishop of Niobrara, which was expanded and renamed the Missionary District of South Dakota. Hare continued working in Dakota unitl his death.

From the description of Letter : to H. M. Teller, Secretary of the Interior / by William Hobart Hare, 1883 Aug 6. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 702129360

Bishop of the Missionary District of Niobrara and its successor, the Missionary District of South Dakota.

From the description of William Hobart Hare papers, 1871-1878. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 658003054

Bishop William Hobart Hare (1839-1909), known as the "Apostle to the Sioux," was appointed in 1872 Bishop of Niobrara, which was expanded and renamed the Missionary District of South Dakota. Hare continued working in Dakota until his death.

From the description of William Hobart Hare papers, 1883-1885. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 702127552

Bishop of South Dakota; Smith was Bishop of Kentucky and presiding Bishop.

From the description of Autograph letter signed : New York, to Bishop Smith, 1872 Nov. 15. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 270502860

Hare was an Episcopal bishop and missionary to the Sioux Indians.

From the description of Papers, ca.1872-1908. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612371086

Episcopal Missionary.

Consecrated by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in 1872, Bishop Hare was assigned to the Dakotas. Hare initiated an ambitious program of building schools, chapels, and rectories at the various Sioux and Ponca reservations throughout the region. With the active cooperation of federal authorities, the Episcopal Ministry of the Dakotas became firmly established on the reservations by the 1880s.

From the description of Episcopal Ministry to the Sioux Records, 1874-1911. (South Dakota State Archives). WorldCat record id: 39178993

William Hobart Hare (1838-1909) was an Episcopal bishop and missionary to the Dakota [Sioux] Indians. Hare was born in Princeton, New Jersey, the son of Elizabeth Catherine Hobart and George Emlen Hare. His father was a biblical scholar and dean of the Philadelphia Divinity School. He was educated at the University of Pennsylvania, though he did not graduate. He began his ministry as an assistant at St. Luke's Church in Philadelphia, where Mark Antony DeWolfe Howe was the rector. In 1861 Hare married Howe's daughter Mary Amory Howe. By 1863 he moved to Michigan and then Minnesota to help his wife's health, but soon returned East and in 1866 his wife died in Philadelphia. They had one child, a son Hobart Amory Hare.

Hare held various positions in the Episcopal church and in November of 1872 he was elected missionary bishop of Niobrara and ordained and consecrated in January of 1873. In 1883 he became missionary bishop of South Dakota, then including both white districts and native peoples. He divided the district into divisions, each connected with a United States Indian Agency, each with a experienced overseer to supervise the Indian ministers while Hare served as general superintendent. He also established numerous Indian boarding schools to train Indian boys to be teachers and missionaries, as well as the All Saints School for girls in Sioux Falls for the daughters of his missionaries and other white girls. He came to be known as the "Apostle to the Sioux."

In February of 1891-1892 he spent many months in Japan to administer the affairs of that jurisdiction, and also spent some time in Europe to ease his heart problems. Hare died in 1909 and was buried beside Calvary Cathedral in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. May 17 is celebrated on the Episcopal calendar as a feast day in honor of William Hobart Hare.

Source: Donald S. Armentrout "Hare, William Hobart" American National Biography Online, Feb. 2000.

From the guide to the William Hobart Hare missions papers, 1872-1910., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn William Hobart Hare missions papers, 1872-1910. Houghton Library
referencedIn Howe, M. A. De Wolfe (Mark Antony De Wolfe), 1809-1895. Mark Antony De Wolfe Howe papers, 1853-1881. Archives of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland
creatorOf Hare, William Hobart, 1838-1909. William Hobart Hare papers, 1883-1885. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Hare, William Hobart, 1838-1909. Autograph letter signed : New York, to Bishop Smith, 1872 Nov. 15. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Howe, M. A. De Wolfe (Mark Antony De Wolfe), 1864-1960. Mark Anthony De Wolfe Howe additional papers, 1880-1959. Houghton Library
referencedIn Cummings, Philip H., 1906-1991,. Philip H. Cummings collection, 1872-1981. Museum of the Great Plains
referencedIn Welsh, Herbert, 1851-1941. Letter : Pine Ridge Agency, Dakota Territory, to Rt. Rev. William H. Hare, 1883 Jun 20. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn E. Clowes Chorley papers, 1765-1949 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Episcopal Bishops collection 1778-1911 Episcopal Bishops collection William L. Clements Library
referencedIn Chorley, Edward Clowes, 1865-1949. E. Clowes Chorley papers, 1765-1949 (inclusive). Yale University Library
creatorOf Hare, William Hobart, 1838-1909. Papers, ca.1872-1908. Houghton Library
referencedIn Mark Anthony De Wolfe Howe additional papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Septima V. Koehler collection National Museum of the American Indian (U.S.) Archive Center
referencedIn La Croix, Mary Myrick Hinman, 1899-. Oral history interview with Mary Myrick Hinman La Croix, 1980 Feb. Minnesota Historical Society Library
creatorOf William Hobart Hare missions papers, 1872-1910. Houghton Library
creatorOf Hare, William Hobart, 1838-1909. Letter : to H. M. Teller, Secretary of the Interior / by William Hobart Hare, 1883 Aug 6. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Hare, William Hobart, 1838-1909. William Hobart Hare papers, 1871-1878. Archives of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland
creatorOf Hare, William Hobart, Bishop, 1838-1909. Episcopal Ministry to the Sioux Records, 1874-1911. South Dakota State Archives
referencedIn Welsh, Herbert, 1851-1941. Letter : Pine Ridge Agency, Dakota Territory, to Rt. Rev. William H. Hare, 1883 Jun 20. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Leroy F. Jackson Papers The Huntington Library
referencedIn Robbins, Howard Chandler, 1876-1952,. Bishops' papers, 1761-1943. Campbell University, Wiggins Memorial Library
referencedIn Mary D. Burnham papers relating to the Dakota League, 1866-1896. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Burnham, Mary D. Mary D. Burnham papers relating to the Dakota League, 1866-1896. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Leroy F. Jackson Papers The Huntington Library
referencedIn Mark Anthony De Wolfe Howe additional papers Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith A. H. ? person
associatedWith Albert E. Fillmore person
correspondedWith Alfred H. Terry person
associatedWith Allen, Lane & Scotts Printing House corporateBody
associatedWith A. N. Littlejohn person
correspondedWith Arms, Audubon. person
associatedWith A. S. Lloyd person
associatedWith Babcock, John H. person
correspondedWith Bartlett, Edward T. person
correspondedWith Bickersteth, Edward, 1814-1892 person
associatedWith Brewster, William person
correspondedWith Brooks, Phillips, 1835-1893 person
correspondedWith Brotherhood of St. Andrew. corporateBody
associatedWith Burnham, Mary D. person
correspondedWith Catching Bear, Eugene person
correspondedWith Charles McClure? person
associatedWith Charles N. Harrold person
associatedWith Charles R. Stroh person
associatedWith Charles Smith Cook person
associatedWith Chorley, Edward Clowes, 1865-1949. person
correspondedWith Church of England. Diocese of Rupert’s Land. corporateBody
associatedWith Clark, Aaron. person
correspondedWith Clark, Aaron B. person
correspondedWith Clark, Thomas M. (Thomas March), 1812-1903 person
associatedWith C. L. Slattery. person
correspondedWith Coleman, Leighton, 1837-1907 person
correspondedWith Cole, Mary. person
correspondedWith Cook, Joseph Witherspoon, 1836-1902 person
correspondedWith Coxe, A. Cleveland (Arthur Cleveland), 1818-1896 person
correspondedWith Cox, Sarah A. person
correspondedWith Cummings, Philip H., 1906-1991, person
correspondedWith Daniel P. Fire Cloud. person
associatedWith Dickson, Jennie B. person
associatedWith Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. corporateBody
correspondedWith Dr. Twing person
correspondedWith Dyer, Heman person
correspondedWith E. A. Hayt. person
associatedWith Edward Bickersteth. person
correspondedWith Edward C. Kemble person
correspondedWith Emery, Julia C. person
correspondedWith Emery, Mary Abbot. person
associatedWith Episcopal Church corporateBody
associatedWith Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. corporateBody
associatedWith Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Domestic Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Episcopal Church. Board of Missions. Foreign Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Episcopal Church. Diocese of South Dakota. corporateBody
correspondedWith Episcopal Church. Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. corporateBody
associatedWith Episcopal Church. Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. Board of Managers. corporateBody
associatedWith Episcopal Church. Domestic & Foreign Missionary Society. corporateBody
correspondedWith Episcopal Church House of Bishops corporateBody
associatedWith Episcopal Church. House of Deputies. corporateBody
associatedWith Episcopal Church. Missionary District of Niobrara. corporateBody
associatedWith Episcopal Church. Missionary District of South Dakota. corporateBody
associatedWith Episcopal Church. Niobrara Deanery (S.D.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Episcopal Church. Office of the Indian Commission. corporateBody
associatedWith Flockhart, John person
associatedWith Fowler, William W. person
associatedWith Garreau, Sophia person
correspondedWith General Sanborn person
associatedWith Geo. Wallace. person
correspondedWith Hare, William Hobart, 1838-1909 person
associatedWith Harriet J. Kinny person
associatedWith Harrison, J. B. person
associatedWith Harvard Commission on Western History. corporateBody
correspondedWith Heinz?, Robert G. person
correspondedWith Heman Dyer. person
associatedWith Herald Steam Book Bindery & Pub. House. corporateBody
associatedWith Hinman, Samuel Dutton, 1839-1890. person
correspondedWith H. N. Pierce person
associatedWith Horace F. McCann, Steam-power printer corporateBody
associatedWith Howe, M. A. De Wolfe (Mark Antony De Wolfe), 1809-1895. person
associatedWith Howe, M. A. De Wolfe (Mark Antony De Wolfe), 1864-1960. person
correspondedWith Howe, Reginald. person
associatedWith Huntington, William Reed, 1838-1909 person
associatedWith Indian Rights Association. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ives, Amelia. person
associatedWith Jackson, Leroy F. (Leroy Freeman), 1881-1958. person
associatedWith Jackson, Ruth W., 1830-1994 person
correspondedWith James L. Houghteling person
associatedWith J. Fitch Kinney Jr. person
associatedWith J. J. Granall? person
associatedWith John Liggins person
correspondedWith John L. Pennington. person
correspondedWith Johnson, C. A. person
associatedWith Jones, William person
correspondedWith King, John A. person
associatedWith La Croix, Mary Myrick Hinman, 1899- person
correspondedWith Liggins, John. person
correspondedWith Littlejohn, Abram Newkirk, 1824-1901 person
associatedWith Lutten, Arnold person
associatedWith Marshall F. Montgomery person
correspondedWith Mary A. E. Twing person
associatedWith Mary B. Peardy. person
associatedWith Mary, Sister person
correspondedWith McBrine, J. M. person
correspondedWith Mitchell, S. Weir (Silas Weir), 1829-1914 person
associatedWith Morris, John person
correspondedWith Motoda, Joseph S. person
associatedWith Mr. Babcock person
associatedWith Niobrara League of New York corporateBody
associatedWith Pancoast, Henry Spackman, 1858-1928 person
correspondedWith Paret, William, 1826-1911 person
correspondedWith Potter, H. C. person
correspondedWith Potter, Howard. person
correspondedWith Potts, James. person
correspondedWith Price, Hiram person
correspondedWith Rev. Gardner person
correspondedWith Rice, H. M. person
associatedWith Robbins, Howard Chandler, 1876-1952, person
associatedWith Robert Lincoln. corporateBody
correspondedWith Robinson, J. person
correspondedWith Rogers, Robert C. person
correspondedWith Russier?, Francis T. person
correspondedWith Ryerson, Arthur. person
correspondedWith Scarborough, John, 1831-1914 person
associatedWith Schurz, Carl person
correspondedWith Shannon. person
associatedWith Smith, B. B. (Benjamin Bosworth), 1794-1884, person
correspondedWith Smith, William Alexander. person
associatedWith Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (Great Britain). corporateBody
associatedWith St. Luke's Hospital Board of Managers (New York) corporateBody
associatedWith Teller, Henry Moore, 1830-1914. person
associatedWith Theo. D. Rand person
correspondedWith United States. Army. Dept. of Dakota. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Dept. of the Interior. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Indian Peace Commission, 1867-1868. corporateBody
correspondedWith United States. War Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith Welsh, Herbert, 1851-1941. person
associatedWith Welsh, William. person
correspondedWith Whipple, Henry Benjamin, 1822-1901 person
correspondedWith Whittingham, William Rollinson, 1805-1879 person
associatedWith William F. Fell & Co. corporateBody
associatedWith William L. Clements Library corporateBody
associatedWith William L. Langford person
correspondedWith Williams, J. (John), 1817-1899 person
associatedWith Williams, John person
correspondedWith William S. Langford person
correspondedWith William Tatlock person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Lower Brule Indian Reservation (S.D.)
Santee Indian Reservation (S.D.)
Dakota Territory
Rosebud Indian Reservation (S.D.)
South Dakota
South Dakota
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation (S.D.)
Dakota Territory
Crow Creek Indian Reservation (S.D.)
Cheyenne River Indian Reservation (S.D.)
Church work with Indians
Church work with Indians
Dakota Indians
Dakota Indians
Dakota Indians
Dakota Indians
Indian allotments
Indian reservations
Indians of North America


Birth 1838

Death 1909


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w64q8jdb

Ark ID: w64q8jdb

SNAC ID: 36690136