Daniel Fire Cloud, whose name in sources consulted is written variously as Firecloud or Fire-Cloud and often without a middle initial "P.", was born sometime between 1852 and 1855 at Crow Creek Indian Reservation, Fort Thompson, Buffalo [County], South Dakota, a member of the Lower Yanktonai (Húŋkpathina) band of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe. He was married to Sarah, or Sally, Fire Cloud who was born around 1864. They had two daughters, Rebecca (born 1894) and Ada (born 1900). Fire Cloud may also have been the father of Daniel Fire Cloud Jr. (born about 1889). He entered Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute (later known as Hampton Institute) in 1885 but left in 1886 due to his wife's illness. He was widowed by 1910 and married Anna Hawk in 1913 in Buffalo County, South Dakota.
Daniel Fire Cloud is listed as a "farmer catechist" in the Indian Census Rolls of 1885-1940. He is likely to have become a Native American minister trained and overseen by a Christian mission.
(Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940, via Ancestry.com search, 2021 October 11.)
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