A collection of manuscripts by Dada writer and historiographer Christian (pseud. of Georges Herbiet). Included are: a bound typescript anthology of early Dada poems, entitled Le carnet retrouvé, 1963; a group of illustrated poems (3 sheets accompanied by an illustrated title-page Livret d'Heures); a manuscript entitled Hygiène Dada, ca.1920's; a satirical manuscript entitled Da ou la langue étrangère, 1920-21; a manuscript commenting on Ribemont-Dessaignes' memoirs of the Dada period, 1964; manuscript of a poem, 1966; draft of a letter by Christian's sister to Michel Sanouillet, Poupard-Lieussou, and Henri Béhar of the Association pour l'etude du mouvement dada, ca. 1967 with an accompanying list of publications; a bibliography; 7 photographs of paintings by Christian; 8 artist proofs of woodcuts by Christian; a printed invitation; and an oval medallion containing a woodcut with geometrical pattern.