Documents of the MNR selected by the Centre pour la Sauvegarde de la Mémoire Populaire (CESAME) in Paris consisting of some correspondence 1952, 1986-1992; foundation charter 1941; pamphlets, copies of periodicals, leaflets, reports, posters and other printed documents of the MNR on the national revolutionary movement, on the counter-revolution of July 1946 and the power of the Bolivian oligarchy, on the revolution of April 1952 and its commemorations (1962-1992), on the government programs of the MNR, on the economic and social reforms, including the nationalization of the mines and agricultural reforms 1952-1997, on the position of Hernán Siles Zuazo in 1979, on the modernization of the MNR and on the election campaigns in the 1980s and 1990s; printed speeches by Víctor Paz Estenssoro 1953-1989; copies of periodicals 1954-1996; press clippings 1948-1992. Annual reports of ministries 1993-1997; correspondence by José Fellman Velarde 1962-1964; files on the Indians' movement 1945, the confinement of MNR militants 1948-1950, agricultural reforms 1953-1956, economic policy 1954 and other subjects; documents relating to the 3rd congress 'Indigenista interamericano' 1951, the Comisiíon de Minería 1952-1965, the Confederaciíon de Trabajadores Campesinos 1953-1959, the 2nd Congress of the Central Obrera Boliviana (COB) 1956-1957 and the Comisiíon de Petroleo 1956-1963; texts of speeches by Ñuflo Chávez Ortíz, including his interruptions in parliament 1954-1960; appeals of the MNR 1960, 1962; reports on the Bolivian constitution 1956, drugs traffic 1958-1961, the railways 1961, the mining congress in 1961 and other subjects; pamphlets, clippings and other printed documents 1940-1950, 1954-1964, 1970, 1998.