Records of Presidents Nathan M. Pusey and Derek Bok, 1961-1975 (inclusive).


Records of Presidents Nathan M. Pusey and Derek Bok, 1961-1975 (inclusive).

Includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, and publications relating to Harvard investments, institutional relationships, and administrative concerns, 1961-1975. Includes records from the presidencies of Nathan Marsh Pusey and Derek Bok. Records from the Pusey presidency (1953-1971), include material pertaining to Harvard's management of Villa I Tatti in Florence, Italy. Also includes memoranda, proposals, and reports from the 1963-1971 Board of Trustees meetings of the WGBH Educational Foundation. Records from the Bok presidency (1971-1991) include statistical reports on Harvard undergraduates and graduates, progress reports in continuing education, memoranda concerning affirmative action policy, visiting committee reports, and a report on the procedural guidelines for Harvard Medical School appointments.

2.6 cubic feet in 8 containers

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