The Twaddell Music School Collection contains photographs, clippings, and miscellaneous material related to the lives and careers of William P. Twaddell and wife Vera Carr Twaddell and a music school which Mrs. Twaddell operated in Durham from 1934 to 1966. Photographs, clippings, and other materials in the collection provide an important record of the cultural life of Durham from the 1920s to the 1960s. Unfortunately, many Twaddell students pictured in photographs are unidentified. A few clippings and photographs are related to one of the school's most accomplished students, opera singer Lucille Brown. She married Robert D. Somers and became known by the stage name Lucielle Browning in the Metropolitan Opera during the 1930s and 1940s. In addition to this collection, there are a number of photographs from the Carr and Twaddell families in the Durham County Library's photograph archives.