This collection consists of biographical information, deeds, legal documents, newspaper clippings, property descriptions, publications, reports, sermons, and speeches that were collected by Robert G. McNiece, Dean of Westminster College (Salt Lake City, Utah) during his lifetime (exceptions being biographical data, obituaries, information on the proposed memorial, etc.). The records reflect both McNiece's role within Westminster College and his broader interest in the community. They are arranged into 18 subject categories. McNiece collected documents that dealt with both policy and property. There is a notice of actions taken (see "Actions") by the Women's Executive Committee regarding furnishings in the residential areas. Many documents were kept by McNiece that regard the Washington D.C. property as well as Salt Lake properties (see "Property"). These records include descriptions of the property, deeds, etc., and are related to the correspondence (though they were not attached to them). Similar to "Action" is "Statement"- a statement specifying the teaching of the Bible in the classroom (this is possibly in reference to one of the stipulations specified in the agreement with Colonel William M. Ferry to provide assistance to the College). The "Biographical" file includes works written by Westminster College archivist Emil Nyman (1892-1982), including his "A Short History of Westminster College." Articles published by McNiece ("Publications" file) include an article written to the editor of "Christian Education" titled "Concerning Sheldon Jackson College," as well as two sermons ("The Christian Conflict"), the editorial "The Redemption of Utah," a lecture titled "Indebtedness to Christianity," and a booklet titled "Reasons for a Legislative Commission for Utah." The "Temple Will" file contains a typed extract from the will of Mary J. Gunton Temple donationing funds to the Board of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church of the U.S.A. for the construction of two chapels at locations chosen by the Board, one in memory of her late father William Gunton, and another in memory of her late husband Edward Temple. As a result of this bequest, Gunton Memorial Chapel (later occupied by the Third Presbyterian Church) was built at the corner of 1700 South and 1100 East, Salt Lake City, Utah. The founders hesitated in building the chapel on college property because they were uncertain whether it was a good idea to make it the first building on campus. The college's financial agent Thomas Gordon's activities are well documented (see "Gordon, Thomas"). These records have direct relation to Gordon and include his contract with the college and other legal documents, and memoranda. The file on Renwick Sloane McNiece contains his marriage announcement to Hazel Morse Hartley on 1 October 1950. Renwick McNiece (1886-1983), son of Dean McNiece and his wife Sara Irwin, graduated high school from Salt Lake Collegiate Institute in 1903. There are also records that relate to McNiece as a Presbyterian minister and an anti-polygamist. They include addresses given by McNiece on Mormonism. They typically emphasize the need for Presbyterianism and the end of polygamy. There is also a notebook comprised of many newspaper clippings which McNiece used to record information on LDS stakes throughout Utah. A copy of the "Congressional Record" in the collection is an example of McNiece's anti-polygamy interest, although no passages are highlighted or notes made. It is titled "Proposed Additional Legislation for Utah Territory" (15 April 1886-5 May 1886).