Box #1. Dana College Clippings scrapbook. Newspaper clippings relating to University of Newark and Dana College (1933-36). NJIT file containing Newark College of Engineering Undergraduate & Graduate Programs (1970-71), NCE Life: A View Book, The Vector (1970), In Memoriam...Peter Jensen (poster, 1970), Commencement Exercises of The Newark College of Engineering (program, 1932), The Founders Day Dinner (program, 1970), Get-Acquainted Day (program, 1970), Open House (1971), "One of these engineers is an engineer" (brochure), "The Inauguration of Saul K. Fenster as the Sixth President of New Jersey Institute of Technology, April 13, 1980" (program), Rare Book Room Dedication (Edward Weston, 1975), fliers relating to School of Architecture, etc.; Box #2. Rutgers-The State University at Newark file including Dedication: S.I. Newhouse Center for Law and Justice (brochure, 1979), A Celebration of the Ground Breaking for the First Student Housing Facility at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Campus at Newark (program, badge and fliers, 1984), Student Art Exhibition (program, 1980), Dana Library Addition Fact Sheet (1992), Conference on Literature and the Urban Experience (brochure, 1980), 50th Anniversary Celebration: Newark Colleges of Arts and Sciences (program, 1981), Dedication Ceremony: Blumenthal Hall, Stonsby Commons, Woodward Hall (program, 1990), Peer Revue: An Occasional Newsletter of Faculty Activities of School Events (v.1#5, Oct. 16, 1979), School of Law-Newark Rutgers The State University of New Jersey (brochure, 1979-1981), Rutgers Law Record (v. IX, no.1, Oct. 1979), The S.I. Newhouse Center for Law and Justice: Dedication (program, 1979), Dedication of the John Cotton Dana Library (program, 1978), Alfred C. Clapp Testimonial Dinner (program, 1981), Willard Heckel Testimonial Dinner (program, 1983), Report: Rutgers Law School-Newark (Fall 1980-Fall 1983), University of Newark file including The Scroll (1937), New Jersey Law School Bulletin of Information (1927-29, 1933-34), Annual Report (1938), Worker's Kit (1937), Observer (Oct. 25, 1938, Apr.11, 1940), University of Newark file containing Dana College Bulletin (1930-35), The Mercer Beasley School of Law (1934-35), "A Closed Door Swings Open in North Jersey" (University of Newark Development Committee), "An Interpretation of Newark University" by Arthur F. Egner (1938), file labeled as "Printing samples of literature used in connection with the University of Newark Development Fund Campaign and John Dana Library" (1938), Newark Institute of Arts and Sciences: Announcements (1934-37), Fifth and Seventh Annual Commencement programs (1937, 1939), Facts about the University of Newark and Its Development Plans (brochure), A Preliminary Statement of the Plans for Strengthening Its Service to Newark and Northern New Jersey, Class of 1941 University of Newark, Seth Boyden School of Business (catalog, 1933-34), Junior Colleges in New Jersey Supported by the Emergency Relief Administration: A General Bulletin (1934-34), etc.