Reynolds family history, 19th-20th centuries.


Reynolds family history, 19th-20th centuries.

Ten handwritten letters (mid-19th century-20th c.); four letters (late 19th c.); advertisement; poem about women's rights, voting, and temperance; and part of the Reynolds family history. The advertisement is for Vermong Morgan horses to pull carriages and work and saddle horses from W.W. Scott & Co. Includes two letters (late 19th century) from George B. Reynolds reflecting details of his trip west for the purpose of horse trading, train rides, hunting trips, and his journey through Niagara Falls, Saratoga, N.Y., Mississippi, and Michigan; two letters (late 19th century) to Miss Grace Seeley (later Mrs. George Reynolds), of Poultney, Vt., from George B. Reynolds; and seven letters (mid-19th century) written to Abby F. Goodrich from various family members and friends. Other persons represented include Mercy Goodrich, Jane Foster, Kate Foster, Otis Goodrich, Susan F. Barrows, Smith K. Seeley, Foster Tinkham, J. Pelleys, George Ager, Leander Ager, Amos Ager, Josiah Dewey, Oliver Pinney, Julia Everts, H. Barns, F. Linkham, Sheldon Reeves, Jim Piper, Nora Piper, William Reimo, Frank Stanford, George Cushman, John Wainright, Hannah Wainright, Ed Brush, Charley Earls, Katy Earls, Bill Barnes, John Seeley, Lorin Barns, Lovoina Story, Susan Abbot, J. Wilson, Mary Ann O'Flanegan, Len Belden, Charles Peirce, Priscilla Tinkham, Sarah Sealey, and Sarah Tinkham.

1 folder.


SNAC Resource ID: 8090559

Sheldon Museum Research Center

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