Collection of materials related to the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station license renewal application review, 2006.


Collection of materials related to the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station license renewal application review, 2006.

All from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to various agencies. To Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., (May 22, 2006) Request for Additional Information Regarding Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives ; To Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., (may 19, 2006) Project Manger Change for License Renewal Environmental Review); to Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., (April 7, 2006) Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and Content Scoping Process for License Renewal; Memorandum to Rani L. Franovich, (April 28, 2006) Branch Chief, Environmental Branch B, Division of License Renewal, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regular, Forthcoming Meeting to Discuss Environmental Scoping Process; to Mohegan Tribe, (April 21, 2006) Request for Comments Regarding PNPS License Renewal Application Review; to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, (April 25, 2006) Request for a list of Protected Species Within the Area Under Evaluation for the PNPS License Renewal Application Review; to National Marine Fisheries Service, (April 25, 2006) Request for a list of Protected Species and Essential Fish Habitat Within the Area Under Evaluation for the PNPS License Renewal Application Review; to Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head-Aquinnah, (April 21, 2006) Request for Comments Regarding the PNPS License Renewal Application Review; (cont.) to Mashantucket Tribal Council, (April 21, 2006) Request for Request for Comments Regarding the PNPS License Renewal Application Review; to Narragansett Indian Tribe, (April 21, 2006) Request for Comments Regarding the PNPS License Renewal Application Review; to Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (May 2, 2006), PNPS License Renewal Application Review.

<11 > items (1 loose-leaf binder)


SNAC Resource ID: 8081864

Old Colony Library Network, OCLN

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station. (corporateBody)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (corporateBody)