George Reynolds notes and business papers, 1898-1943.


George Reynolds notes and business papers, 1898-1943.

Notes about history of the marble industry in Vermont and especially Middlebury, including copies of letters from Redfield Proctor and Mortimer Proctor; letters from Vermont Marble Company about Reynolds's pension; and deeds relating to property owned or being investigated in Addison County.

2 folders.


SNAC Resource ID: 8081846

Sheldon Museum Research Center

Related Entities

There are 4 Entities related to this resource.

Reynolds, George B., 1898-1943 (person)

Supervisor of Vermont Marble Company's Middlebury operation from 1911 until it closed down. He then looked after the property until it was sold. Reynolds was born in Center Rutland; worked for Vermont Marble Company part-time when a student, then full-time after graduation from Green Mountain College. He opened offices for Vermont Marble in Philadelphia and the midwest and in 1911 was made manager of the Middlebury mill and lived on the farm on Halliday Road which his wife, Grace, had inherited ...

Proctor, Redfield, 1831-1908 (person)

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Vermont Marble Company (corporateBody)

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