Organized in 4 Hollinger boxes: Box #1 & #2 contain, in 19 folders, documents, statements, bylaws, reports, photos, notes, memos, newspaper clippings, memorandum, minutes, correspondence, publications, program summaries, press releases, relating to United Community Corporation (1965-1969); Box #3 includes various material relating to Newark Riots (1967-1969) in 4 folders. Folder #1 ("Team Report: Rebellion Against 'Whitey'" written by a team of six United Press International reporters, Richard F. Fontana, Alex J. Michelini, Gordon Joseloff, Douglas Smart, Robert Sullivan and Joseph Dileo, and other magazine articles and newspaper clippings), Folder #2 ("List of Fatalities During Civil Disturbance, July 21, 1967," "Emergency Recommendation" by Newark Council of Business Associations, "Adopted by Executive Committee of the Committee of Concern at Meeting 8/8/67," "A Riot or 'Criminal Insurrection'" by Rev. T. M. Booth, "We residents of Newark, make the following immediate demands," "We make the following long range demands upon city, state and federal officials," "Free Our Black Brothers!" "The Urban League at Essex County at a special meeting," "Medical Emergency Service Unit," "Letter to Dr. Frank Stanton, President (WCBS-TV)" by Essex Newark District Council of the Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, "Committee of Concern," "Investigation of Allegations of Participation by Legal Service Systems in the Newark and Plainfield Riots" by the Committee on Law and Poverty of the New Jersey Bar Association, "The Legal Services Program's Role in the Riots," "Save Our City," "Black Survival Bulletin," "Statement of the Committee of Concern," "A Law Day Symposium: Riots and their Prevention" by Rutgers Young Americans for Freedom, and press releases, correspondence, memorandums, transcripts, etc), Folder #3 ("Witnesses Before Governor's Commission on Civil Disorder," "Report for Action Conference, Mr.Lilley's Opening Remarks," "Civil Disorders, U.S.A. Reports and Recommendations," "Special Message on Capital Needs" by Governor Richard J. Hughes to the Legislature, 1968, "Public Policy Forum on Civil Disorders: Causes and Remedies, Rutgers--The State University, Bureau of Government Research and University Extension Division," "Resolutions Passed by the Black Caucus of the Public Policy Forum on Civil Disorders--May 10, 1968," "Statement of Sanford M. Jaffe," "Statement Prepared by Gustav Heningburg, President of the Greater Newark Urban Coalition, for inclusion with release of 'One Year Later' Study on February 27, 1969," "Excepts from 'One Year Later' Study, 1969," "Statement Prepared by Andrew Heiskell, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Urban America Inc., for delivery at release of 'One Year Later' Study at 10:A.M., February 27, 1969," "Progress Report #3 The Kerner Report and AJC - One Year Later, American Jewish Committee," "Report for Action - One Year Later" by Sanford M. Jaffe, Robert D. Lilley, Raymond A. Brown, Robert B. Meyner, Alfred E. Driscoll, Bishop John J. Dougherty, John J. Gibbons, Ben Z. Leuchters, Oliver Lofton, Bishop Prince A. Taylor Jr., William A. Wachenfeld, Stephen Farber and John Kolesar, "Statement by Mayor Hugh J. Addonizio, February 12, 1968," "Commission Members," "The Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders: An Analysis by Bayard Rustin" published by A. Philip Randolph Institute, and press releases, etc), and Folder #4 ("Riot Commission names key staff," "Police forces and black militants are arming for a second civil war," "Preliminary Analysis of Statements Concerning Law Enforcement during Newark Riots," "The Newark Legal Services Project: Reply to Presentment of Eighth Grand Jury (Essex County) 1967 Tern, Transcript of "Let's Find Out" broadcast on WCBS Radio, Sunday, July 16, Press releases from NAACP, ACLU, State of New Jersey, The American Jewish Committee, etc., Catastrophe Bulletin, August 9, 1967, "Heritage Foundation stresses need for black and white unity," "Remarks of Roger W. Wilkins, Director, Community Relations Service, U.S. Department of Justice before the New York Conference on Community Values and Conflict, May 5, 1967," "Reports Study on Riot-Prone American Cities" (Northwestern University Urban Journalism Center), Copy of Congressional Record (July 19, 1967), Law in Action (March 1968), "The Church and The Riots: Guidelines for Diocesan Strategy in Northern Urban Areas," January 16, 1966); Box #4 include newspaper clippings relating to Newark Riots.