General university records, 1903-[ongoing].


General university records, 1903-[ongoing].

Materials include Board of Curators minutes (1903-1980, 2 linear ft.); pesidents reports (1931-1995, 1.5 linear ft.); faculty meeting minutes (1934-1967, 1 linear ft.); legislative meeting minutes (1945-1966, .5 ft.); loose, scrapbooks, and bound photocopies of news clippings about the university (1939-present, 2 linear ft.); scrapbooks of photographs, programs, and other materials that document the activities of the Detroit Chapter of the National Alumni Association (1951-1999, 15 items); bound volume of congratulatory letters on the retirement of Dr. Sidney J. Reedy, professor of education (1972); reprints of The History of Lincoln University by W. Sherman Savage; and proceedings of the annual Conference of the Presidents of Negro Land Grant Colleges (1933-1954, 3 v.).

15 linear ft.

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Lincoln University (Jefferson City, Mo.) (corporateBody)

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