Burney, Cox, and Simpson families photographs collection [graphic], circa 1860-1925


Burney, Cox, and Simpson families photographs collection [graphic], circa 1860-1925

This collection contains portrait photographs of various members of the related Burney, Cox, and Simpson families of Portland, Or., dating from circa 1860-1925. Included are studio portraits and informal snapshots from three to four generations of each family, as well as many friends of family members. Subjects include William Thomas Burney and his wives, Alice Blandina Simpson Burney and Elanora Simpson Burney, and their families; General Benjamin Simpson; Norris Remy Cox and his family; various members of the related Dolph, Killingsworth, and Wright families; Harry Lane and John Hipple Mitchell, both U.S. senators from Oregon; and prominent Portland real estate developer William Milton Killingsworth, as well as many others. Also included are views of scenic locations in and around the Portland area, as well as views of family homes and the office of dentists John G. Glenn and Norris Remy Cox. The collection also contains family trees for each of the Burney, Simpson, and Cox families, as well as the Killingsworth family, that were created during the course of processing this collection. Photographs in this collection were taken by Frank G. Abell, Joseph B. Buchtel, Corry A. Bushnell, and Joseph Thwaites, all of Portland, Or., as well as by many others. Includes cabinet cards, cartes de visite, cyanotypes, and one ambrotype.

0.54 cubic feet (164 photographs in 2 boxes)


SNAC Resource ID: 8003680

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