The collection mostly consists of grants-related records. These are records for specific projects funded by the Kansas Committee for the Humanities (KCH), such as applications with attachments and appendices, correspondence, agreements, program evaluations, budgeting and financial accounting documents, final reports to be submitted to the National Endowment for the Humanities, newspaper clippings and other sample publicity materials and materials from the programs and projects, etc. Other records in the collection concern the Committee itself, such as press releases and newspaper clippings, fund requisition forms, meeting agendas and minutes along with other related records for items under discussion at meetings, personnel matters including individual resumes and job descriptions, grant proposal review records including commentary and evaluation forms, and records between the NEH and the KCH, notably correspondence and information concerning grant applications. The collection includes Federation of Public Programs in Humanities Reports and other related records from that association. The grants funded by the KCH were awarded to colleges and universities, historical societies and museums, libraries, and other organizations interested in and committed to the humanities. Grants funded planning activities as well as specific projects and programs, including symposia and public lectures.