Diary and travel items by Frances K. Holland of a trip to Europe taken with her mother, Mary McCullough Holland. Included are both of their passports, their copy of a first class passage contract for the outbound trip aboard the steamship Roma of the Italian line, a photograph (16 x 11 cm.) of passengers in deck chairs (presumably including the Hollands), 3 small pictures (the Roma, the Augusta at Genoa, the mother and daughter in Pompei), a souvenir log of their trip home August 17-22, 1935, and a small travel valise with travel stickers. The passports were issued June 14, 1935 and they sailed June 29, 1935. The diary was kept by Frances Holland from the time they sailed until the last day of their return trip. The printed diary for steamship travel contains travel information and advice and headings for various categories. The diary entries mention meals, drinks, dancing, night clubs, shopping, sightseeing. Included at the end are lists of shopping by location, currency exchanges, and a few addresses. They returned home on the steamship Washington.