This collection consists of four series: Series One pertains to a trip that Albert Scardino took in the summer of 1972. Scardino, along with Marshall Stone, also of Savannah, Peter Ainslie of Kingsport (Tenn.) and New York City, and Stephen Herskovitz of New York City, traveled the "Indian Trail." This route, an early Indian migration route via water, began in Charleston (Tenn.) and ended in Fort Gibson (Okla). According to correspondence in the collection, Albert Scardino researched and planned the trip for a year prior to its start. The 1,400 mile kayaking expedition ended in August; toward the end of the trip, the group hitched rides on a barge and on a tugboat. The series includes a diary that Albert Scardino kept from April to August 1972 and correspondence between Scardino and Peter Ainslie. Both Scardino and Ainslie pursued the task of writing a book and short stories about the trip. This series also contains business correspondence about the trip: letters referring to a book being published about the trip and manuscripts about the trip. Series Two contains materials that are connected to the making of Guale, the 1976 film that Albert and Marjorie Scardino produced. Within the correspondence file are letters of congratulations on the film and general business letters. This series also contains materials from the film such as the cutting long, final scene list, and sheet music. Series Three consists of only one folder containing miscellaneous material relating to the Georgia Gazette newspaper. The photograph series contains black and white photographs and contact prints. None of the photographs in this collection are identified; however, they probably relate to either Scardino's "Indian Trail" trip or to the production of the film Guale. Many of the photographs appear to have been taken during the barge portion of the trip. The folders containing photographs are noted as "VM" (visual materials) in the collection inventory.