Lewis E. Barnard, "Experiences by land and sea, August 30, 1929-February 11, 1930", Nabouwalu, Fiji, February 1930, Ts., 21pp. Lewis E. Barnard, "The sixty mile tramp. Bua circuit, Fiji. February 1930", Ts., 9pp. Second copy: Lewis E. Barnard, "A sixty mile tramp. On tour of inspection of work in Bua circuit, Fiji. February 1930", Ts., 9pp. Menu, SS "Sonoma", en route from San Francisco to Sydney, 3 March, 1930. Photograph album, Sydney and Fiji, 1929-1930. Photographs include: George Brown Methodist Missionary Training College, Sydney; Ah Tam, Health Centre Store; Lautoka, 1929; Davne; Nabouealu Mission House; On the Moraki; Suva; W. Barnard, first white woman here - Narawai; Peni; Josesi; Ratu George, Willie, Alice; Moraki at Noumea. Photograph album (damaged). Photographs include: On the Moraki; Lautoka Mosque; Win and Lewis; Adi Keva; Nabouwalu; Kabouwalu; Mission House, Nabouwalu; Nabouwalu village; Nabouwalu; View from front door; Mission House - Kolino, Gorieka and Salosi; Native ministers, Nabouwalu and welcome to us; Front verandah, Ratu George and family; Scouts; Santa; Baby Health Centre; Baby health Nabouwalu; Ah Tam; Baby Health Centre; Adi Lagi Lagi and Alice Brown, Toganivalu; Peni, Israli, Sukdao; Scouts; Marioni and Beni Keli; Narawai - first white woman there; After the hurricane; Avenue of mango tress leading to the Mission House; After the wreck; Manasa who gave me the big conch shell; Mecki - Penni; Israle, Joni, Sukdao; Nabouwalu; Joe and Willy; L.E.B.; On Raicakacaka (tour of work): Williami; Luki and family - Native Minister; Esau and Maciea; Esau - Native minister's house (bed I slept on); On Raicakacaka; Guard of honour for us; Bua; SS "Tui Labasa"; Davilevu Fiji; Suva Hospital 1929-1930; The wharf, Suva; Bau; Nabouwalu Post Master and family.