Archives documenting missions in Papua New Guinea and West Papua, 1931-1992 [microform]. [1931-1992]


Archives documenting missions in Papua New Guinea and West Papua, 1931-1992 [microform]. [1931-1992]

The UFM archives were arranged by J.R. Storey in 1965. Mr Storey notes that, "No minute book dealing with the years 1923-1930 is in possession of the UFM. As the Mission was then the Worldwide Evangelization Crusade, presumably the minute book was delivered to the WEC at the time of the formation of the UFM. The earliest correspondence in the UFM files dates back to 1925 when Messrs Sharpe, Roberts and Symes proceeded to Brazil. The first UFM minutes are dated 5/9/31" (1965). The files were rearranged for microfilming purposes by the PMB in 2007-2009 and item numbered using prefix "APCM". Cross references to the earlier item numbers are given in the listing. Reels 1-5: APCM 1-36. UFM Australian Branch Council minutes, 1931-1965 and APCM minutes and agendas. Reels 6-7: APCM 37-48. UFM Papua New Guinea Field Council, agenda, minutes and meeting papers, Evangelical Church of Papua, Missionary Affairs Committee, minutes, APCM Irian Jaya Field Committee minutes and reports, APCM Philippines Annual Field Conference and Field Committee minutes. Reels 7-8: APCM 49-55. UFM New South Wales Council minutes, 1953-1990. Reel 9: APCM 56-63. UFM/APCM Victorian and Queensland Council minutes and agenda, 1965-1999. Reel 10: APCM 64-74. APCM Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia Council minutes, 1961-1999. Reel 11: APCM 75-81. UFM/APCM New Zealand Council minutes, 1950-1997; copies of UFM London and North American minutes, 1952-1960. Reels 12-13: APCM 83-95. UFM histories, 1946-1980. Reels 13-16: APCM 96-124. UFM correspondence, 1930-1990. Reels 17-19: APCM 125-138. UFM Papua New Guinea and New South Wales circulars, 1958-1992. Reels 20-24: APCM 139-140. APCM missionary prayer letters, A-Z, 1978-1995. Reel 24: APCM 141-145. UFM/APCM annual reports, 1953-1979, diaries and reports, 1953-1990. Reels 24-25: APCM 146-153. UFM/APCM Papua field and station reports, 1945-1988. Reels 25-27: APCM 154-187. UFM/APCM West New Guinea (Irian Jaya) reports, minutes, press cuttings, prayer letters, etc., 1948-1999. Reel 28: APCM 188-191. UFM/APCM Missions in Indonesia, minutes, reports and correspondence, 1951-1982. Reel 28: APCM 192-198. UFM/APCM Ladies' Auxilliary, Victoria and South Australia, minutes books, 1961-1988. Reels 28-29: APCM 202-210. UFM International, copies of minutes, reports and other papers, 1931-1982. Reels 29-30: APCM 211-212. Evangelical Church of Papua, constitution, minutes, reports and other papers, 1965-1989. Reel 30: APCM 213-216. Other organisations: Evangelical Alliance of the South Pacific, Christian Broadcasting Service, Melanesia Council of Churches, Sudanese Missionary Fellowship, Woodlands Family Home, 1959-1990. Reel 30: APCM 217-224. Personnel, candidate material, statistics, 1964-1993. Reels 30-31: APCM 225-232. Education: Bokondini School, Awaba High School, Dauli Teachers College, Goroka High School, Tari "A" School, 1972-1989. Reels 31-32: APCM 233-244. Subject files and sundry papers, 1936-1989. Reels 32-34: APCM 245-254. Documents microfilmed out of sequence and press cuttings.

34 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.


SNAC Resource ID: 7946181

Libraries Australia

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