G. L. Kittredge letters to Byron J. Rees[manuscript].


G. L. Kittredge letters to Byron J. Rees[manuscript].

In a letter, 1906[?] Jun 14, Kittredge apologizes for not replying and cites the death of his parents as the excuse. He tells Rees that he believes technically he needs the recommendation of a London householder at the B[ritish] M[useum], but that he will most likely find kindly reception if he states his name and errand. In a letter, 1908 Feb 29, Kittredge thanks Rees for his "letter about Mr. Hancox" and says that he shall "be glad to bear [his] testimony in mind when the question of scholarships comes up." He thanks Rees for his offer to "look up things." In a letter, 1919 Sep 24, Kittredge writes that Rees' book has "already given [him] some hours of pleasure" and that he looks forward to further delights. He says that the selection is admirable and thanks Rees for sending it. In a postscript, he asks if Rees has printed that "thrilling letter" about the whaling voyage. In an undated letter, Kittredge writes that he assumes the appointments for the summer school are all made. He adds that it is not proper to write to him or to F[red?] N[orris?] Robinson on the subject at any time. In an undated letter, Kittredge writes that he expects "to give English 43 M. W. F. at 12."

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