Papers of Texie Watts [manuscript], 1845-1874.


Papers of Texie Watts [manuscript], 1845-1874.

Letter, 1845 April 23, Woodland, from Cornelia Simms [Watts] to her sister, Mrs. Eliza Wingfield, Batesville, Albemarle Co., Va. Letter, 1848 November 4, Laurel Hill, from Nelie [Mrs. Robert Watts] to her sister Eliza M. [Simms] Wingfield; with note from R. W. W[atts], her husband; 1865 March 13, Descriptive list and account of pay and clothing of Frank D[ade] Hume, Co. A., 13th Va. Infantry, Camp near Sutherland depot. Signed by M.S. Stringfellow, 1st Lt. comdg., 1865 March 13. Letter, 1869 April 19, University of Virginia, W.H. McGuffey to Charles E. Watts, Hicksford, Va. Letter, 1874. Pencil sketch, n.d., of company street in Confederate camp (by H. M. Silverton?).

6 items.

Related Entities

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Hume, Frank Dade, 1840-1895. (person)

Confederate States of America. Army. Virginia Infantry Regiment, 13th (corporateBody)

Watts, Cornelia Agnes Simms, 1821-1858, (person)

McGuffey, William Holmes, 1800-1873 (person)

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Wingfield, Eliza Mildred Simms, 1817-1890, (person)

Stringfellow, M.S., fl. 1865. (person)

Watts, Nelie, (person)

Whitehead, Paul, 1830-1907 (person)

Watts, Charles Edward, 1843-1928, (person)