Childhood: born to Chinese immigrants in New York, childhood work in family's laundry business; education: City College of New York, Washington University School, Hastings College of Law; career: legal director at the Center for Immigrant Rights, Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund(PRLDEF); PRLDEF: discussion of legal rights for undocumented persons and legal immigrants, arrival in New York City 9/13/01: 9/11;post 9/11:air quality at the Puerto Rican Legal Defense office near World Trade Center[WTC], office PRLDEF volunteer work near ground zero, personal concern for WTC's undocumented workers situation, PRLDEF aid to non-English speaking persons; opinions on Disaster Assistance Service Center (DASC): disorganization of various organization under DASC, discussion on the Federal Emergency Management Agency organization, perceived discrimination against immigrant customers, major loss of jobs for New York City immigrant population, impression of economic disparities of charity beneficiaries, low wage inhabitants and small businesses outside the south of Canal Street Zone; discussion of New York City's growing immigrant population: need to educate immigrant communities, anti-Arab bias after 9/11; establishment of Proyecto Ayuda, 2002 community healthcare issues in relation to the air contamination after 9/11;9/11's world effect: impression of detainees, effects of 9/11 on foreign countries tourist industries.