Corrspondence, telegrams, press clippings, programs, etc., concerning production and chiefly the July tour of "The Beggar's Opera" by J. Gay with musical adaptation by B. Britten, 1976 - performance file. 1976.
Related Entities
There are 4 Entities related to this resource.
Guelph Spring Festival Archives. (corporateBody)
In order to perpetuate Edward Johnson's work and support for young musicians and music teachers in the Guelph region, a group of his friends established "The Edward Johnson Music Foundation" in 1957. It raised funds to support musical groups in Guelph and then in 1968 launched "The Guelph Spring Festival". In 1995, the Foundation separated from the festival so that each organization has its own board. The Foundation continues to do fundraising for the festival. The festival is especially noted f...
Edward Johnson Music Foundation (corporateBody)
Gay, John, 1909-1999 (person)
Gay is a writer of mainly television dramas and documentaries. From the description of Papers, 1949-1977. (University of Wyoming, American Heritage Center). WorldCat record id: 29950660 ...
Britten, Benjamin (person)
Composed 1938. First performance at a Promenade Concert, by the British Broadcasting Co. Symphony Orchestra, London, Aug. 18, 1938, in Queen's Hall, Sir Henry J. Wood conductor, composer at the piano.--Cf. Fleisher Collection. From the description of Concerto no. 1 in D major for piano and orchestra / Benjamin Britten. [1928]. (Franklin & Marshall College). WorldCat record id: 43291276 Composed 1939. First performance by the Philharmonic-Symphony Society of New York, New...