Siendome necesario pasar a Valparaiso a negocios urjentes é importantes qe. demandan mi personal presencia, y conciderando que mi ausencia no llegará a quince dias y ... / O'Higgins.


Siendome necesario pasar a Valparaiso a negocios urjentes é importantes qe. demandan mi personal presencia, y conciderando que mi ausencia no llegará a quince dias y ... / O'Higgins.

El Director Supremo delega autoridad a sus Ministros para resolver cualquier problema que se presente, por tener que ausentarse, alegando que es incompetente en su caso el artículo 119 de la Constitución.

p. 79-80, encuadernadas ; 31 cm.


SNAC Resource ID: 7696240

Dibam Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

Related Entities

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O'Higgins, Bernardo, 1778-1842 (person)

Bernardo O'Higgins, 1778-1842, was born in Chile of Chilean and Irish descent. O'Higgins, educated in England in military navigation, eventually became a leading Chilean patriot, known by the popular titles "The Father of the Nation," "Founder of the Republic," and "Liberator of Chile" throughout his life and in posterity, as well as by the official title of Supreme Director of Chile (designating him as the country's dictator) from 1817-1823. Among his achievements are the creation of the First ...