Book of verse 'The Song of Tiadatha' by Owen Rutter (1919); Publication 'The British Red Cross in the Balkans' (1913); Publication 'Salonique' [1918]; German published album of the Great War [1918]; Booklet 'The Call of our Allies and the Response of the Scottish Women's Hospitals for Foreign Service' (June 1915); Booklet 'Guide to Salonika' (1918); Booklet 'Souvenir de Grè€ce' [1918]; Photocopied typescript recollections 'Some Recollections of an Octogenarian, Army Medical Service: Balkans and Caucus, 1918', published in the 'Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps' (1979); Leaflets relating to the Church and Tomb of St Demetrius [19 Dec 1918]; Theatre programmes and song-sheets (1918-1919, nd); Printed photograph relating to Southern Russia (nd); Laboratory report (21 Aug 1918); Card 'Instuctions to the Malarial Soldier' (nd); Hospital name-tag (nd); 2 autographed dinner menus (18 July 1919, 30 July 1919); Guide to badges of rank of officers serving in Allied Armies (25 May 1920); Leaflet with New Year message by the Bishop of London (1918).