Contains a selection from Peacock's autobiography dealing with his military experiences. Discusses his training as a baker and truck driver in the Quartermaster Company. Provides details of the 3rd Infantry Division's movements through North Africa and Europe. Describes the preparations and assaults on Sicily, Salerno, Anzio, Cassino, Rome, Southern France, Colmar, and Germany. Discusses Peacock's responsibilities as a truck driver: transferring prisoners of war, ferrying materiel and officers, and other specific assignmentsâ given to Peacock because of his reputation for a high moral character. Describes the peril of driving at night, without lights, near the front lines. Recounts the soldiers' fear of the German 88mm artillery guns and the anxiety of living with constant shelling. Specifically mentions Peacock's involvement with the LDS Church in his combat zones, leadership positions held in the church, blessings derived from associating with others of his faith, and missionary experiences. Includes a newspaper clipping praising Peacock for his church service on the front lines. Also includes two local newspaper clippings citing his movements and accomplishments.