Contains 14 original drawings including a watercolor drawing in three compartments, probably the frontispiece or design for a title-page; a large watercolor drawing for a social caricature, signed R. CK. On the back is a pen-and-ink drawing of a dandy, beneath which are the words in ink "Can such things be, without our special wonder--Macbeth;" a pen-and-ink and pencil sketch of a man and woman dancing (used on the block); a pencil sketch, rear view of a number of female figures; finished original pen-and-ink and wash drawing, a riot by the side of a royal coach, signed I.R. Cruikshank, del.; finished pen-and-ink and wash drawing, "Margaret Nicholson's attempted assassination of George III," signed I.R. Cruikshank, del.; India ink drawing, showing six different styles of chins, signed R. Cruikshank; pencil sketch, signed in pencil R. Cruikshank; pen-and-ink drawing, titled in pencil "Charles 12th of Sweden" and beneath, smaller sketches "To Russia" and "The Revolution;" miscellaneous pen-and-ink sketches by Robert Cruikshank on the back of a glyphograph by the same artist; pen-and-ink sketch by R. Cruikshank entitled "Farm in France" and on the back, pencil notations and small sketches; rough pencil sketches on the back of a woodcut design; six pencil drawings of London Characters, signed R. CK. (used on the block); pencil drawing entitled "Psyche Bathing" a caricature signed R. Cruikshank.