Myers Papers (II).


Myers Papers (II).

Papers of Moses Myers, and his sons Samuel Myers (1790-1829) lawyer in Norfolk, Pensacola, Fla., John Myers (1787-1830) merchant of Norfolk and Myer Myers of Norfolk, Va. and daughter Adeline Myers. Also includes letters of Caroline Marx Barton to Julia Grammer Barton Myers, and of L.H. Wirt to Judith Marx. Includes letters of Joseph Marx Myers. There are letters of the Marx and Gratz families as well as correspondence with Jewish merchants in Richmond, New York, Montreal, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Charleston, S.C. Prominent correspondents include Stephen Girard, Abel P. Upshur, William Wirt, James Barron, Littleton Waller Tazewell, and Henry Clay.

ca. 1800 items.


SNAC Resource ID: 7658817

William & Mary Libraries

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