This collection contains both print and audiovisual material related to the animated children's television shows Arthur and Postcards from Buster, both produced by WGBH-Boston. The print material for both shows contains scripts, character/props model packages, storyboards, and other material integral to the production process. Of note is material with original comments from Marc Brown as well as sketches of characters and locations. With more than 600 items, the audiovisual material consists of VHS tapes, audiocassettes, CDs, and DVDs of both Cinar Animation and Cookie Jar Entertainment created files and WGBH episodes. Also of note are VHS tapes of the various stages of the editing process (for both Arthur and Postcards from Buster) as well as audiocassettes of actors' auditions for Arthur. There are also several items related to the show's musical numbers, commercial bumpers, and promotional items.