Letters, 1944-1945, to Beatrice Lamb / Anne Lindbergh.


Letters, 1944-1945, to Beatrice Lamb / Anne Lindbergh.

Postcard (with picture of the Souther Pacific's new streamline train), July 22, 1944, Carmel, California, "Dear Beatrice Lamb," concerns Lindbergh's visit to "Dwight & Margot" [her brother and sister-in-law] and her husband [Charles Lindbergh], who has "been in the South Pacific for four months." She also asks Mrs. Lamb's advice about finding a house in Connecticut and thanks her for sending a book, The way of all women. -- Postcard, August 14 [1944], Bloomfield Hills [postmark is Birmingham, Mich.], to Mrs. Horace Lamb, Vineyard Haven, Mass. Lindbergh thanks her for her trouble in looking for houses. -- Letter (with envelope), October 30, 1944, Westport, Conn., to Mrs. Horace Lamb, New Canaan, Connecticut, telling her she is gradually getting settled and would like to see her. "We are about half-way between Westport and Fairfield." -- Letter (with envelope), January 23, 1945, Westport, Conn., to Mrs. Horace Lamb, New Canaan, Conn. Lindbergh comments on The way of all women, which she has finally read: "I have never seen the problems of women in the modern world so well analyzed ... The chapter on woman & work made me leap with joy. At least here is someone who understands."

4 items


SNAC Resource ID: 7620262

Smith College, Neilson Library

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