The collection consists of a journal consisting of 126 leaves, illustrated with real photographs and brochure clippings. The journal is authored by either Mildred Netsch or Ellen Wise from Medina, N. Y. The journal contains a two page hand-drawn map of Pilgrim Hall. The author notes, "Many of the objects wer the personal possessions of some of the colonists of their children. Though perhaps more instructive from a historical standpoint are several original paintings or copies of such masterpieces as 'First Thanksgiving' and the 'Landing of the Pilgrims' ... A large model of the Mayflower was also worth of several minutes' study." The document is remarkable because these travelers were unaccompanied women. The journal covers the areas of Watervliet, Mamaroneck, East Lyne, Eastham, Mansfield, Wells, Mt. Crawford, and Plattsburgh, New York. Also included in the journal is a photo of a hop plant which is identified as a relic of Pre-Volstead days.