This collection consists of various materials relating to radio communication and electronics. The collection includes a photocopy photograph of Andersonville Prison; the March 1896 issue of The Camerist; issues of The Hamville star (1 n.d., Mar.-June, Sept., Nov.-Dec. 1921, and Jan. 1922); issues of The Michigan radioist (Apr. 1922, May-June 1922); List of stations 1915; a July 1914 issue of Popular electricity and modern mechanics; a D.H.E. free wireless catalog; American Radio Relay League Convention (Feb. 1923); a Oct. 1926 and a Dec. 1955 issue of QST; Spring 1951 issue of Radio amateur call book magazine; "Early history of wireless at Lansing, Michigan, from diary of MH Pancost", radio call card; Railway commercial and wireless telegraphy (1902); and the book The telegraph instructor, by G.M. Dodge (1911).