This collection consists of 9 deeds, March 18, 1837-November 12, 1858; 1 bond, November 12, 1858; 16 land patents, October 8, 1835-January 3, 1860; 3 mortgages, March 14, 1840-October 18, 1863; 1 promissory note, March 18, 1857; 2 redemption certificates, November 16, 1853-June 21, 1858; 1 memorandum regarding land transactions, no date; ALA from Philip Riley Toll, Schenectady, N.Y., November 11, 1880 to Country Gent. Office regarding land transaction, map enclosed; commission of Philip Riley Toll as captain in Michigan Militia, Seventh Regiment, Centreville, April 8, 1835; call to arms, militia men in Three Rivers area, Centreville, March 22, 1838, signed by Philip Riley Toll.