Articles of agreement had made concluded and agreed upon this sixteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven between Isaac Williams, Chief of the Wyandot nation of Indians of the one part and Ralph Isaacs Junior of New Haven in the state of Connecticut,


Articles of agreement had made concluded and agreed upon this sixteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven between Isaac Williams, Chief of the Wyandot nation of Indians of the one part and Ralph Isaacs Junior of New Haven in the state of Connecticut, Esquire of the other part. 1797.

Describes the transfer of twenty-five miles square tract of land to Isaac Williams Junior and his heirs near Lake Erie, east of Sandusky along the Blackwater River, also called Deep River by the Wyandots for ever. Both sheets carry names and totems of the principal Chiefs. Includes a secondary agreement between the Ottawa and Isaac Williams Junior for the transfer of an island "about one league from the mouth of the said Sandusky Lake" on April 13, 1797. This one mile by half a mile island may by Bull's Island, later called Johnson's Island.

2 sheets laced together with ribbon : parchment ; 67 x 78 cm and 68 x 79 cm.


SNAC Resource ID: 7390329

Library of Michigan

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Isaacs, Ralph, 1934- (person)

Williams, Isaac, 1774-1858 (person)