Record of movement of inmate population, 1939-1951.


Record of movement of inmate population, 1939-1951.

All entries include inmate registration number and name; county where crime committed; crime description; and sentence term. Escape information includes date and occasionally, escape location. Returned escapee data also includes return date and remarks (e.g., voluntarily returned; captured; shot while escaping). Released on writs records include release date and remarks (e.g., discharged by court; sanity hearing) while returned from writs items include return date and remarks (e.g., transfer petition; after count). Death entries provide death date and burial number for deaths occurring at the prison, plus parole and death dates for prisoner deaths occurring on parole. Discharge information includes receipt, discharge, and parole discharge dates. Transfer materials include transfer date; destination, and occasionally, transfer reason. Parole records include parole date and parole violator return dates. Medical release records list person removing prisoner; release and return dates. Commutations include commutation date.

ledger 1 volume.


SNAC Resource ID: 7381180

Illinois State Archive

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