Consists of a series of newsletters in French addressed in a number of instances to Baron Alströmer of Gothembourg, Sweden. The originator of the newsletters is considered to have been Franc̦ois Métra, 1714-1786, said to have been a banker and at one time a correspondent of the King of Prussia. A substantial number of newsletters are published in Metra's Correspondence, and Correspondence secrète inédite sur Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette la cour et la ville de 1777 à 1792. In 1884 the 178 newsletters were published separately as Letteres de M. de Kageneck au Baron Alströmer de 1779 à 1784. The newsletters (with a total of 669 pages) have been characterized as gossipy accounts from the courts of Europe, with both musical and literary references such as Piccini and Voltaire. Events reported include the American Revolution with the names of Benjamin Franklin, Paul Jones, Lafayette and Washington. In addition there are two letters in French from historians about the newsletters.