Jefferson, Randolph and Trist family papers, 1791-1874.


Jefferson, Randolph and Trist family papers, 1791-1874.

Jefferson items include a copy or draft of a customs declaration 1791 Feb. 28 about the importation of wine by Jefferson and a letter, 1824 May 4, James Michael O'Connor to Jefferson sending a book and commenting on the current election. The collection contains a commonplace book, 1825-1908, of Mary Jefferson Randolph and Martha Jefferson Trist Burke which contains an entry by Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lafayette. Also included is a letter of Elizabeth House Trist describing Lafayette's visit, five letters of Cornelia Jefferson Randolph to Virginia Jefferson Randolph Trist and Nicholas Philip Trist about her trip to Boston, manners of the Bostonians, life in the Coolidge house and Virginia's and Ellen Coolidge's babies. Other items include Trist's appointment as Acting Secretary of State by James K. Polk; a pamphlet containing the Proceedings of the Committee Appointed by the Citizens of New York at Their Meeting Held [1 May 1826] for the Relief of Mr. Jefferson; a copy of Trist's 1850 letter to Winfield Scott about his financial situation and claims against the government, and his misunderstandings with Polk. Further items include: The Last Days of Jefferson, by Thomas Jefferson Randolph, refuting Edmund Bacon's narrative on the same subject; a floor plan of Monticello drawn by Cornelia J. Randolph and her sketch of a column at Monticello; a bread pudding recipe of Martha Jefferson Randolph; a list of linens at Monticello; a child's note; and the words of two songs.

20 items.

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