Reminiscence of Henry Isaac Davey, 1949 March 6 / by Elsye Davey Larson.


Reminiscence of Henry Isaac Davey, 1949 March 6 / by Elsye Davey Larson.

Typed reminiscence (6 pages) of Henry Isaac Davey, Martin County, Minnesota, detailing his early life, particularly his 1882 friendship with a man he believed to be the French explorer Joseph Nicollet. Includes a forwarding letter from Elsye Larson to the Minnesota Historical Society (1949) and two notes of refutation by the Minnesota Historical Society, stating that the explorer Nicollet actually died in 1843 (1965).

4 items.


SNAC Resource ID: 7316015

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Davey, Henry Isaac, 1861-1948. (person)

Nicollet, J. N. (Joseph Nicolas), 1786-1843 (person)

J.N. Nicollet, French mathematician and explorer, settled in the United States in 1832. In 1836-1837 he explored the sources of the Mississippi River, and in 1838-1839 he led two United States Army Corps of Topographical Engineers expeditions to map the region between the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, in which he was assisted by John Charles Frémont. John James Abert served as commander of the Topographical Bureau and Corps of Topographical Engineers, 1829-1861. From the descript...

Larson, Elsye Mariah Davey, 1895- (person)