Letters, soundscribers, memos, lists and telegrams relating to: contributors to building fund; David McWilliam considered for position at law school; band instruments and A.F. Trythall's salary; finances, grants, etc.; proposed transfer of St. Thomas College (Chatham, N.B.) to UNB; school of nursing; solicitations of donations from the Ford Foundation and the alumni; proposal to name a residence after John W. McConnell; John Bassett III to attend UNB; professor's salaries; failure of Forestry and Chemistry Scholarships; Teachers' Scholarships; reorganization of the scholarship schemes; Encaenia (1957); K.C. Irving's gift to the Drama Society and contributions to the Senate; gallery construction and problems in acquiring Missisquoi limestone; Joseph H. Hirshhorn and James Boylen's gifts of paintings; New Brunswick and federal politics;(CONTINUES). (CONTINUED) tax position re Somerville House (Fredericton, N.B.) and its transfer to UNB; verbal attack on Michael Wardell regarding liquor laws; Chief Justice Richards' gift of 1,000 dollars towards scholarships; transfer of Law School to Fredericton; physical education department and faculty of art and publication of a bibliography of the Westminster Cathechism by Dr. Carruthers. The file contains copies of the Priestman Lecture delivered by chemist, J.H. Quastel and the Fourth Report of the Living Endowment Fund (1956).