Collection of papers and photographs relating to "Dunmarlin," the home of Marjorie and Duncan Phillips, in Washington, D.C., as well as photographs of their summer home in Ebensburg, Pennsylvania, and some personal papers. Highlights of the collection include four colored sketches of fireplace equipment done by Lally-Rohlander Co., Inc.; two colored drawings of room layouts for a ladies dressing room and a formal living room, showing how each wall would look, plus a colored sketch of the furniture layout in the living room; a picture of one wing of Dunmarlin painted by Gifford Beal (uncle of Marjorie Phillips); blueprints for landscaping plans, a basement play room, and plans for a garage; a drawing for a light fixture, possibly a porch light, done by Horn & Drannen Mfg. Co.; and a drawing of a colonial revival home, not "Dunmarlin," but no indication of who did the drawing, when it was done, or where the house was located. As well, the collection includes an inventory of the estate of Eliza Irwin Laughlin Phillips (Duncan's mother); a partial inventory of Marjorie Phillips' estate; part of a script for a tour of "Dunmarlin"; some correspondence and bills of Major and Mrs. Phillips, as well as of Marjorie and Duncan Phillips; a few advertising brochures for furniture, silver, and other products; and fabric and wallpaper samples.