Papers [manuscript]. 1933-1976.


Papers [manuscript]. 1933-1976.

The papers include academic records, architectural magazines with articles by or about Bunning, scrapbooks on specific buildings, correspondence, sketches and proposed plans for the National Library, copy of the Report on the Paddington Area (1968), brochures on the Sydney Cove Redevelopment Scheme, papers on the inquiry into the Olympic Games proposal for Moore Park, Sydney, scrapbooks and reports on the Myall Lake Inquiry (1974), and the Environmental Inquiry (1973), various submissions about the siting of the future Parliament House, Canberra, papers to do with the Art Gallery of NSW and the Sydney Opera House, scrapbook of letters, invitations, etc. for the dinner held to celebrate 25 years of practice, various letters, photographs, sketches and medals.

64 cm. (4 boxes) + 19 fol. items.


SNAC Resource ID: 7066361

Libraries Australia

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Bunning, Walter, 1912-1977 (person)

Architect and town planner; Chairman of the NSW Town and Country Planning Advisory Committee 1945-1964 and Vice-President of the Trustees of the NSW Art Gallery since 1961; holder of the NSW Board of Architects Travelling Scholarship 1937-1939 and winner of the NSW Board of Architects Australian Medallion in 1939. In 1961 he was appointed principal architect for the National Library. Bunning is still a practising partner in the firm of architects and town planners, Bunning, Smith, Potter and Mad...