The collection consists of, memoranda, student notes, lecture notes, research notes, appointment calendars, speeches, committee files and other papers documenting the career and life of Hugh Bradner during the period 1938-1981. The collection is particularly strong in correspondence and other material documenting Bradner's work on diving, diving instrumentation and the physiology of divers. This material is largely contained in correspondence dated 1942-1960. The collection includes the following series: student notes, 1930's-1940's; old correspondence, 1940-1960; laboratory notebooks, 1960-1970; lecture notes, 1970-1974; appointment calendars, 1970-1980; chron files, 1960-1973; alphabetical subject files, 1970-1973. The collection also includes files on Brobeck, General Atomic, MACI, MACII, Miami University, Monopoles, NRI and Physics.