Records, 1931-1971.


Records, 1931-1971.

Records of live traffic employees of RCA Communications, MacKay Radio and Telegraph Company, and other New York City communication companies.

17.0 c.f. (41 archives boxes and 1 record center carton); plusadditions of 28 photographs.

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

American Communications Association. Local 10 (New York, N.Y.) (corporateBody)

RCA Corporation (corporateBody)

The Radio Corporation of America was incorporated in Delaware on October 17, 1919, and changed its name to RCA Corporation on May 9, 1969. For over fifty years it was one of the country's leading manufacturers and vendors of radios, phonographs, televisions, and a wide array of consumer and military electronics products. Through subsidiaries, it operated the country's first radiotelegraph, radiotelephone and radio facsimile systems, as well as its pioneer radio and television networ...

MacKay Radio and Telegraph Company. (corporateBody)