Materials related to rehearsal and performance of the play, including a published copy (Berlin: Eduard Bloch, n.d.; printing date 1886), which has been annotated as a prompt-book; and 14 handwritten role books, for the following parts: Lothar, Freiherr von Mettenborn; Prinz Karl Emil; Erwin von Weidegg; Hertha, Erwins Gattin; Liddy, ihre Schwester; Albrecht, Graf Wahlberg; Geheimrath Fabricius; Oberst von Wendlingen; Lieutnant Bruno, sein Sohn; Baron Brendel; Assessor Drewitz; Pràˆsident Lehnhardt; Baronin Breitenbach; and Werner, Diener. The published copy is marked as the property of Theodor Bloch, who ran a theater lending library in Philadelphia. On the page listing characters in the published copy, as well as on the covers of role books, names are noted of actors and actresses playing the roles, reflecting two performances of the play, with different casts. The names correspond very well to the casts advertised for performances in Philadelphia in March 1887 and Dec. 1890, as documented in the collection's holdings of theater newspapers (see folders 705 and 708, respectively).