Stock lists of state banks, 1895-1953, 1956-1981.


Stock lists of state banks, 1895-1953, 1956-1981.

Stock lists filed by banks as required by section 221.15(6) of the Wisconsin Statutes, including name of state bank and transit number, total number of shares, par value per share, total value of shares, and each stockholder's name and residence, certificate number, and number of shares held. The processed portion of this series is summarized above, dates 1956-1962, and is described in the register. There are additional accessions dating 1895-1953 and 1956-1973 which are described below.

1.0 c.f. (3 archives boxes) and8 reels of microfilm (16 mm.); plusadditions of 8.6 c.f.

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