Agency history record.


Agency history record.


SNAC Resource ID: 6839093

Bentley Historical Library

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Catholic Church. Camera apostolica (corporateBody)

The Apostolic Camera, one of the most ancient of the offices of the Roman Curia, was originally responsible for the administration of the temporalities and revenues of the Holy See. Although the term Camera appeared for the first time in Benedict VIII's constitution Quoties illa a Nobis (24 May 1017), some authors state it was the continuation of an office that had existed and been known for a long time as palatium or fiscus under the direction of the archdeacon who remained at the ...

Papal States. Tribunale della camera apostolica. (corporateBody)

This tribunal was a court of first instance. Its composition was stabilized by Sixtus V, being comprised of the camerlengo (ID VATV778-A), tesoriere (ID VATV651-A) and twelve chierici (ID VATV603-A). In 1800 its responsibility was increased, when it took over the duties of the Congregazione per la revisione dei conti (ID VATV772-A) and the Congregazione camerale (ID VATV606-A). It was suppressed in 1809 by the French regime, but was reestablished in 1814 when the pope's power was re...