Cost bills are the bills of the costs that have been accrued by particular court cases in the Supreme Court of Alabama. The bills list the court fees and include an order to the sheriff of the county in which the defendant resides, to collect the money for the costs and charges expended in the Supreme Court of Alabama. The bills also include the name of the county, the name(s) of the defendant(s), the amount the defendant owes to the Court, the date, the signature of the clerk in the office of the Supreme Court, and the name of the plaintiff. Also included in the cost bills files are receipts from clerks of circuit courts from various counties certifying that the defendant has paid the debt and/or the court fees. The cost bills are arranged according to case number and pertain to the costs that had been accrued during the debtor litigation trials, therefore the bills can be cross-referenced to the case files on debtor litigation.