This series consists of three types of records created at yearly sessions of the Georgia Conference and North Georgia Conference. The minutes (1846-1921) contain the daily proceedings of the conference meeting, including all board, agency, and committee reports, debate proceedings, results of voting, ordination proceedings for clergy, and lists of appointments of pastors for the coming year. The rolls (1850-1901) list all clergy members in attendance or the reason for their absence. These lists also indicate the status of each clergy member, e.g., local pastor, probationary member, full member, located (withdrawn from the traveling ministry), superannuated (retired), or deceased. The statistics (1867-1905, 1931) constitute the third record type in the series. These are reported by district and list all data for each charge within the district including numbers of clergy, white members, black members, adults baptized, infants baptized, net gain or loss in membership, and value of property. Other sections list apportionments (money paid by each charge to support the work of the general church), Sunday School statistics, and money spent on foreign and domestic missions and church extension.