This series consists of letters concerning rewards offered by the Governor of Ala. for the apprehension of criminals. Some of the crimes described are murder, robbery, and larceny. Included in this series are a copy of an affidavit, a letter from Robert McKee, Cobb's private secretary, and some letters from attorneys. The letters describe the crimes in various degrees of detail. An attorney from Eufaula, Ala. describes to Governor Cobb the assault and robbery of a store owner and minister near the outskirts of Eufaula. The attorney requests the posting of a reward for the capture of a black man. Another letter, along with an affidavit and an indictment, describes the shooting and murder of Richard Barton, a member of the Bibb Gray Company during the Civil War. Barton was trying to break up a fight between two black men, when one of the men shot him.