1) ECU LTGEN JAMES H. DOOLITTLE and the "Raider" on the flag bridge watching planes approach carrier for a landing, they look through the flag-bridge window, men are crowded in the small places. G 2) CU Some of the guests outside the flag bridge, others are seen in the flag bridge through the doorway in the BG watching the flight operation. 3) HA MS 3/4 front view of an F-8E touching down, moving out of the scene to the R on landing. 4) CU Guests up on the open flag bridge watching the flight operation; some of the group are women, wives of some of the guests. SV DA G 5) HA CU Rear view of a guest leaning on the life railing up in the island, snap pictures of the planes landing. G 6) CU Rear view of a woman in the flag bridge, looking forward over the flight deck; F-8E is about to be launched, through the window. G 7) HA MLS A-4E making a landing, leaving the scene to the R on arrested landing. VG 8) HA MLS PAN A-4E making arrested landing, leaving the scene to the R, open sea in BG. SV VG 9) G to A MLS PAN Four Blue Angels F-11A's in diamond formation on fly-by; streamers of smoke coming from each one of the tail pipes, smoke stops immediately as they bank off to the L. 10) LA MLS PAN A Blue Angel a/c on fly-by in straight run. G 11) LA LS Front view of the four Blue Angels box formation fly-over. G 12) LA MS A Blue Angels a/c moving fast towards the carrier, twisting and rolling as he leaves out streamers of pink and white smoke, straightens out, banks off sharply to the R. VG 13) LA MLS Front view if the four Blue Angels a/c in diamond formation on fly-over leaving white and pink smoke as they roll over on their backs, come out of the roll, seem to be diving still in formation. VG 14) LA MS A lone Blue Angel a/c on fly-by, rolling over on its back. G 15) LA LS Four Blue Angels in step formation, making a wide barrel roll in formation and flying off to the L in step formation. VG 16) LA MLS PAN A Blue Angel a/c flying by upside down, inverted flight, flipping over to normal position. G 17) LA MS PAN Four Blue Angels in step formation on fly-by, banking off to the L very sharply, heavy white clouds seen in BG; they make a sharp R bank. VG 18) LA LS Looking up at the Blue Angels in box formation on fly-over, making an inverted loop in formation, streamers of smoke coming from three of the a/c, seem to go into a dive and leveling off. VG 19) HA MS The guests up in the island, looking forward over No. 1 catapult partly seen in BG. VG 20) HA MS Rear view, a A-1H on No. 1 catapult, revving up for take-off, seen from the 07 level; plane is catapulted off the deck. VG 21) HA CU Looking down over three male and one female guests watching the flight operations from up in the island. VG 22) CU A man and woman watching the flight operations as they look forward over No. 1 elevator; A-1H is launched from No. 1 catapult, two guests look on from L FG. VG 23) HA MS Several guests on an extended platform out from the island looking down over the center part of the island. VG 24) HA MCU Looking down over the guest up in the island looking aft over the flight deck; A-3B makes a touch-and-go, all heads turn to the R as plane makes touch-and-go. VG 25) HA MS As before, guests looking on as A-3B makes an arrested landing, catches the wire moves out of the scene to the R; many people are taking candid shots, official photographer seen in the group with a 16 mm movie camera; another A-3B makes a landing; AN to the R with the A-3B as it slows to a stop after catching the wire, the tail section is seen, rest is obscured by the island structure in R FG. VG 26) HA MS Frame view of an A-3B on No. 1 catapult, ready for launch ; number 34 seen forward on the flight deck; sea is quite calm while underway off of San Francisco; pane is launched from the deck and airborne. VG